Nathan's Barn Project
The original 40’x60′ New England style barn, built by Nathan Waters around 1840, was lost 100 years later during the Hurricane of 1938. At that time, Walter Waters, owned the property and used it as a summer home.
Become A Member
Through your membership dollars we are able to continue the legacy of Dorothea Waters Moran, maintain the house and grounds and provide quality family experiences for all to enjoy.
Peddler's Shop
The Peddler’s Shop includes Waters Farm Preservation apparel and collector’s items. Our gift shop is open during events and purchases will soon be available online.
Annual Events At Water’s Farm
- Antique Farm Tractor Pulls
- Lawn & Garden Tractor Pulls
- Car Shows
- Open Houses, Walking Tours
- Pickers Paradise Barn Sale & Special Programs
- Fundraising Suppers at the Farm
- Family Movie Night (Outdoors)
- Apple Crisp Making & Baking Day
- Breakfast with Santa
- Waters Farm Fall Festival