
Help support our mission at Waters Farm Preservation, Inc.

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One of the many ways you can help is to become a sustaining member.

About Us

Waters Farm Preservation Inc was formed in to ensure the continued preservation of this historic landmark.

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide and preserve the educational and recreational experience of a living farm for all generations.

Upcoming Events

Come see the way life used to be. Waters Farm; a hilltop homestead built in 1757 by Stephen Waters and now a living history museum listed on the National Register of Historic Places.  With a stunning view overlooking Lake Manchaug, barns, outbuildings and 120 acres of pristine farmland, Waters Farm gives visitors a rare glimpse of the 19th century New England farm life at its best.

Waters Farm Preservation Inc was formed to ensure the continued preservation of this historic landmark.  The farm is maintained by a corps of dedicated volunteers working in conjunction with the John H. Chafee Blackstone River Valley National Heritage Corridor Commission.

Special events are held at the farm each year.  Tours are given year-round by appointment.  For information about events or to schedule a tour contact us or call 508.865.0101

2024 Event Schedule for Waters Farm

Tractor Pull

Don’t miss the first tractor pull of the 2025 season at Waters Farm! See a fascinating collection of beautifully maintained and restored antique tractors do their thing. This event is […]

Find out more
09 Mar
Water’s Farm Preservation, Inc, 53 Waters Road
West Sutton, MA 01590 United States
+ Google Map

Make a Donation

Every penny donated helps us to recognize the importance of History…and the commitment of preservation.

What our Visitors Say

What an amazing gem tucked away in Sutton, MA.  I only got to explore a small part of it for a photo shoot with my photographer, sister, and 17 month old daughter but I will be back in the summer to explore more! Just gorgeous! – Kari D.

This is truly a wonderful place. Takes me back in time to when life was real with true values.  It fills my heart with what is truly good!  I have memories when, as a child, I took field trips. I will never forget that. Please don’t change!    – Kathy D.

I recommend everything there. A tour of the old house, the flower garden, the Darling Barn, the activites on farm days, the tractor pulls. Always have the apple crisp!       – George R.

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